Monday, September 20, 2010

My Life in the Big Banana -- uhh, Apple. #3

So... how long has it been? Am I a week overdue? Yes. Why? Overwhelmed... but in a good way. Here's why I'm overwhelmed. 1. Homework load; 2. I feel like an outsider; 3. Sleeping patterns; 4. Everything else.

1. Homework Load.
I haven't ever had so much homework in my life; but I'm sure that makes sense because this is the most advanced point in my educational career. I mean seriously - read a billion plays a week. Practice acting exercises; practice movement stuff; practice voice stuff... by the time I'm through with everything, I think I've exhausted all twenty-four hours and have borrowed some time from the next day. By my current calculations, I think I'm in 2016... and by the way? No flying cars yet, but! we all are wearing foil for clothing simply because of the global warming thing. (Invest in Reynolds Wrap NOW people, NOW.) Anypinkles (it's a phrase that catches on in 2014; kinda like "anyway"), if I were a tiny bit smart, I would divide the homework among the days given to do the assignments, and then it wouldn't be so terrible. Look! An idea! I should probably follow the idea - do I? No. Of course not. That would take the spice and variety out of life. For example, if I were following a fantastic schedule that kept me sane, I wouldn't be blogging. And then where would you be? Stuck reading "The New Yorker" or "Highlights Magazine." I suppose I know what I have to do. I have to follow a detailed schedule, and then I can write about success! But that's no fun to read - we all want to read about other people's problems because then our problems don't appear so magnified - you know what I mean? I bet you're all sitting at home thinking, Hallelu! I don't have to read The Taming of the Shrew seventeen times!

2. I feel like an outsider. Why? Probably because I am. I am not from New York. I am from California. And proud of it. I've always felt like an outsider... but not like this. I feel like I don't fit in, and it is creating stress. I am very proud of my beliefs and opinions, but when I introduce myself, I don't say, "Hi. My name's Raji. I believe in Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, his ascension into heaven and to be now forever seated at the right hand of the Father, and you need to believe in him." Whether people choose to believe in Jesus Christ is their option; that's up to that person. I just say, "Hi. I'm Raji." And then people ask what my tattoo means because they see it on my wrist. So I explain its biblical meaning, and then watch people's faces cringe because I said one of the following words: bible, proverbs, or verse. The first week I was here, someone called me: "The Religious Boy." And then I mentally assigned a name to him and asked for forgiveness. Anypinkles, hi. I'm Raji. Love me or hate me. It is what will be.


4. Everything Else. I know I belong in this city, and being terribly homesick is natural. There are things I see when upon looking, I well with tears. For example, eating at a restaurant my mom, friend and I ate at when the two were moving me in. Bittersweet. Or riding the subway from the Canal St. Station where the three of us bought our subway passes. Or just needing a hug from my mom. That's when I am so thankful for the cell phone. Pick it up, dial the mom, and talk. Always makes me feel better. And Skype! Thank the Jesus for Skype! With Skype I can see all yo faces! And they beaudiful liddle thangs, sometims pixel-hated, but beaudiful nun-da-lezz!

A list of things I miss:
1. Mom.
2. Cottonwood and all people associated.
3. My own bed.
4. My couch.
5. My car.
6. My car.
7. My car.
8. Rubio's.
9. Albertacos.
10. My car.
11. My Starbucks and all people associated.
12. My bathroom - I know it's ludicrous, but one's own bathroom is very important!
13. And finally, you. I'm sure I miss you... unless Satan is reading this.. because how could I miss him? He's everywhere! Anypinkles, thanks for readin.

Type atcha lata alligata.

1 comment:

  1. You are hillarryus! Thanks for the update. So glad you learned what caffeine will do to a sleep-deprived body. At least you learned SOMETHING. Now get some sleep!! LOL
