Saturday, June 5, 2010

#3. June 5, 2010

AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!! - It happened. It totally happened. The one thing that I didn't want to happen with this dang thing happened. I stopped. I stopped blogging. I stopped sharing my thoughts with my negative six readers. (Why I picked the number six is beyond me; you pick the significance.) But now, I am writing a blog because I am watching the fantastic Julie & Julia, a film by the fantastic Nora Ephron who really - I think is in the lineage of Jesus (how? I don't know). She's just fantastic. (Dang. Could I use "fantastic" more? Actually - yes. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic...)

I thought this would be different.
Apparently, I was stupid to think that I would actually write in this thing daily - but here's my question: who in the heck reads this thing? What is the purpose of a BLOOOOG? WHAT is the purpose? A very, very intelligent friend of mine asked, quite honestly and innocently, "So, a blog just turns into someone's rant on life?" And I thought, Yep. You basically nailed it on the head. I guess the reason I thought this would be different was because it's an "e" thing. And when I say "e" thing, I mean the same "e" as in "e"mail, or "e"trade, or "e"check = electronic. And aren't "e"lectronic things supposed to be "e"asy? I thought because I got to type this one that I would do it more often because I feel that my thoughts are more fluid when typed; I feel they flow better. What the heck - "I feel" this. "I feel" that. I am very certain that my thoughts flow better when typed. (If you can't tell, I'm sorta miffed that this is my first entry in over a month!) So electronic versus traditional - laziness and procrastination still take the cake; tell that to Apple.

I want it to be different.
There are suuuhhhh-hhhooooo (so) many things that have happened to me over the last month that I haven't written down. I have not really written anything in a long time. And the one thing I do know is that writers write. Writers write daily. That's what separates them from non-writers. Writes write and non-writers non-write. Good for them. I am now unemployed (by my own doing; the day I'm fired from a job, will be the third to hear about it) and out of school - I have plenty of time to write. So help me Moses, I will write!

See you in a year.


  1. Maybe it would be "e"asier if they created something that could read your thoughts and then post them...of course with all approval rights reserved. That could be disastrous if it just posted everything that crossed my mind.

  2. i the heck read this thing. in case you were wondering
